Monday, March 26, 2012

Want to see what I've been up to?

So last week my mom called and demanded- ahem- I mean offered to take the kiddos for the weekend. Not one to look a gift horse  in the mouth, I had to agree. :) I don't usually look for opportunities to be away from the children- I actually kind of enjoy them- but it's also nice to get some stuff done around here without 10,000 interruptions and distractions!  

The first thing I wanted to do stock the freezer with goodies for Annabel's lunchbox. Her school requires her to take a lunch each day, which is great in theory until I'm already 5 minutes late for work and still have a pb&j to make. So I made- and froze- homemade lunchables, a stack of homemade "uncrustables" (pb&j's without the crust), and 2 quiche (Annabel's favorite!). Oh yes, and homemade fruit roll-ups.

From this:

Yummy vegetable goodness for the quiche- sometimes the only way to get them to eat it!
to this:

to this! Individually wrapped and ready for the freezer!

the fruit roll-ups were a little disappointing. They look like bacon roll-ups if you ask me.

 The next day of (blissful) solitude was spent making a month's meal plan and grocery list. Then grocery shopping. Then starting/prepping and freezing several of the meals. Ok- now I realize why I never do this when the kids are here- because it takes all day!! And it's exhausting!
I know I'll be thrilled to come home from work in the next few weeks and know exactly what's for dinner and be able to pull out the already-cooked meat and already-prepped veggies! 

The third day was a little more "fun" as I worked on stocking up my etsy shop. Here are some sneak previews of upcoming listings...

It looks wonky but it's just the way I have it on the hanger!

this one is actually for Annabel, but will also be offered as a custom.  She picked out all the fabric herself! :)

In addition to all this, Derek and I managed to get sushi with some friends, see Hunger Games in the theater, and do pizza and a movie in. It was nice. They are home now, but as Annabel said at dinner tonight, **big sigh** "I know this is my favorite supper, but I wish I was eating it with Grammy." I think they had a good time, too. ;)


Grandma Jean said...

I wish I was eating with her too!

Melissa Wisley said...

Good for you! Glad you are blogging again.